Monday, September 2, 2013

Titanic Piñata Party!

Picture found here.
My friend's birthday was in July and I wanted to do something great for this milestone!!! I had an idea that would make it a stand out for her! Her favorite movie is "Titanic"... You know the one. So, I decided I'd make a Titanic piñata!

Image copyright 2013 by Kara Muller.
I must say, I made an awesome piñata for my friend's birthday! We had the best time busting it open! And I had a fantastic time putting it together for her. For similar glory, read below:

You'll need these supplies:
  •  scissors and/or an exacto knife
  •  tape
  •  glue
  •  small boxes
  •  cardboard tubes
  •  tissue paper or Crêpe paper - black, red, and white
Image copyright 2013 by Kara Muller.
1) Cut the Boxes

- Now, depending on the size of your boxes, your Titanic could be fat, long, tall, or an exact replica. I didn't go for exact replica but I got pretty close. I wanted to fit in a lot of candy. Unfortunately, I just used what I had for the most part and didn't take any measurements.

 - I used four slim boxes, with the two in the middle being the taller, similar to the actual ship. *I used the movie pictures because they were in color and got pretty close to the real thing. And the older photos were black and white and not of the best quality.

- I cut the boxes down to points on the outside boxes. Then cut out the two inside sides of the boxes that were the middle of the structure. *You will use a lot of tape to hold the boxes together.

- Leave an opening to put the candy inside. I left mine in the top.

Image copyright 2013 by Kara Muller.
2) Put On the Steam Pipes

- Take the paper rolls and either cut them in half for them to be the right size. Or you could use the same rolls I did, toilet paper rolls. *For those who just made an 'eww' noise, don't worry, the candy will not touch them.

- Then tape the rolls on the taller of the two boxes top. Do the best you can. This was the most troublesome part of the creation for me.

Image copyright 2013 by Kara Muller.
3) Decorate It

- Using a paint brush, paint on a thin layer of glue on the outside of the bottom half of the 'ship'.

- Use the roll of black crêpe paper to wrap around most of the bottom of the ship. Then do the same thing with the sides. But only up to about an inch and a half from the top.

- Cut up the white tissue paper into small square strips. You can use a roll of white crêpe paper, like the bottom of the ship, if you like. I did mine the hard way because I thought it would look better.

- Paint a thin layer of glue on the top of the boxes and gently pat the strips of white tissue paper into place. Do the same with the top of the taller boxes as well.

- You can wrap the paper around the steam pipes as well. I did both strips and wrapping on mine.

Image copyright 2013 by Kara Muller.
4) Have Fun

- Add candy. Whatever you think will survive a beating or at least just taste fine smooshed. Tape the top closed.

- We had so much fun busting this thing open. The glee on my friends faces was worth every bit of effort!

Here are a few pictures from when Titanic Piñata met its fate:

Kissing it goodbye.
Ashley smacking
it to hell.
Laura making sure
it won't get up.
Get it Ashley!
Punch it to
smithereens Laura!
Oh the humanity!

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