2014: Resolutions!!!

According to science, it's better to just make ONE resolution per year and get that one goal accomplished. If you give yourself too many goals, you'll get stressed and not do a single one of them! So, right now, my singular goal is to:

This isn't my arm, this is cute.
My arm has a bar sticking out of it.
Found picture here.
- Get Better.
I broke my wrist in an unfortunate accident last November, right before Thanksgiving. My right wrist (which is attached to the hand I use for drawin' and stuff) too, because irony is a bitch. This one should be easy (there's a DOCTOR helping me and everything!), it will just take time.

Later on, I'll add more goals like getting my jobs back (I lost both! WOO!!! :/), losing weight, drinking more water, blah blah blah. But right now: just heal.

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