Saturday, April 27, 2013

Ready to Rule at Laser Tag!

UPDATE: It was awesome!!! I did kind of pass out when I got home, but I still remembered to update this entry! I would love to do it again! It was an incredible time and I got to catch up with friends!!! I totally recommend it to everyone!


Also, this photograph from the Works, an arcade that we hung out at until the Laser Tag place opened for us!
The Works arcade! It was pretty cool! I hope to go back one day soon!
Later on tonight I'm going to be playing laser tag at the request of one of my friends that I haven't seen in a while! His name is Josh and it's his birthday!

I've never played laser tag before so I looked it up and found this helpful video:

This video might be slightly more exciting:

Since I'm a nerd, I also found this description on Wikipedia to be very helpful. I dare you not to read it with an army sergeant's voice:

"Laser tag is a team or individual sport or recreational activity where players attempt to score points by tagging targets, typically with a hand-held infrared-emitting targeting device. Infrared-sensitive targets are commonly worn by each player and are sometimes integrated within the arena in which the game is played. Since its birth in 1984, with the release of the Star Trek Electronic Phasers toy manufactured by the South Bend Electronics brand of Milton Bradley, laser tag has evolved into both indoor and outdoor styles of play, and may include simulations of combat, role play-style games, or competitive sporting events including tactical configurations and precise game goals.

"Laser tag is popular with a wide range of ages. When compared to paintball, laser tag is painless because it uses no physical projectiles, and indoor versions may be considered less physically demanding because most indoor venues prohibit running or roughhousing." (Wikipedia)

Josh was in the army so I wouldn't mind being on his team. His cousin Jarrod is also going to be there and he has trained with many kinds of weaponry so he's probably a good shot too and I wouldn't mind being on his team either. So many choices! It looks to be a fantastic way to spend the evening!

I will update later on after the game (it's from midnight to seven a.m.), if I don't pass out first.


  1. I had to make a lasertag illustration before and while looking for source photos stumbled upon this gem: and just image things played out something like thattt for you haha :)

    1. lol that's exactly how it went down! Except there weren't any second graders because we were before 7 am!


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