Thursday, February 14, 2013

"RECollection Vol. 1" Book Review

Recollection Vol. 1Recollection Vol. 1 by Joseph Gordon-Levitt

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

'RECollection: Volume 1' is the very first anthology of hitRECord's work, featuring the contributions of 471 collaborators.

The eight-inch square, cloth-bound tome is a well-crafted and meticulously-designed piece of art. With equal attention given to each medium—video, audio, image, text—this relic of our records is rich in detail and a feast for the senses.

The DVD: A collection of 36 short movies created collaboratively on hitRECord under the direction of—and with some starring roles by—Joseph Gordon-Levitt. You'll find short films, animations, music videos, 'tiny stories' and records from hitRECord's various live events.

The Book: 64 full-color glossy pages filled to the brim with everything you love about your beautiful books: poetry, prose, paintings, photography, comical curiosities, non-sequiturs, bed-time stories and, of course, more!

The CD: Join your DJ RegularJoe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt for all you newbs) as he hosts his 'pretend' radio show — complete with 17 collaboratively-made songs.

I wish everything was like this. Instead of buying a crappy DVD case, you could get a small, cloth-bound booklet detailing the story and the movie's creation. Instead of the cheap jewel-case cd case, you could get a cloth-bound photobook with artwork inspired by your favorite music.

Some people are simple and the cheap cases satisfy them. But I'm more the type of person who appreciates something worth holding. I would totally pay more for that kind of product, mind you it can't be in the hundreds, or even after the fifty dollar mark.

I love this HitRECord stuff!

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