Thursday, April 5, 2012

"TITANIC 3D" Movie Review

Watch the Titanic sink.....IN 3D!!!!!!!!!

See Billy Zane's eyeliner.......IN 3D!!!!!!!!

Gaze at Danny Nucci's "It's sa me, Mario" impression......... IN 3D!!!!!!!!!!!

Hear Celine Dion sing "My Heart Will Go On"........IN 3D!!!!!!!!!!

"I'm flying-" "I know!"
My ticket to ride!
This just happens to be one of my friends favorite movies, so myself and a fellow friend were obliged to see it with her. I had forgotten how good of a movie it was. It's just mocked so often! And for good reason ("I'm flying, Jack!"), but it is still a great movie! 

The 3D wasn't necessary though and you won't see that much of a difference, but it was still a very good experience. It was nice to see it on a huge screen again. 

It did leave some aftereffects on me: I have seen Kate Winslot's boobs - which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but they're haunting my mind and they pop out at odd times (jk); I now think Leonardo DiCaprio is quite attractive; and "My Heart Will Go On" is stuck in my head!

Great hat!

But I have heard DiCaprio utter the BEST LINE EVER: "You're gonna get out of here, you're gonna go on and you're gonna make lots of babies." How did I miss that in the first viewing?!

Cutie pie!

After we had left the theatre and started to leave each other's company, we grasped each other's hands and declared that "WE WOULD NEVER LET GO!!!!!" It was a great time had by all!

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