Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fixing and New Stance on Eco Crafting

I fixed some things recently. This poor hummingbird was in pieces when I found it. Good as new now! (Just a note: I won it at a bowling competition. Why exactly they thought bowling and delicate things went together is a bit lopsided, but what do I know!) I also fixed this wreath for my mom. It now decorates our beautiful bathroom! I could make similiar projects and probably will in the near future. If you want one, just let me know. I've got plenty of shells so no worries!

I've also decided to start crafting with a bent towards being green and recycling and being kinder to the planet. Especially as new reports keep coming out about new planets that could be like ours, a.k.a. liveable with air and water and plant life. But they're billions of miles away, so getting to them is a bit problematic.

So more and more of my crafts will be made from reused products and more things will be salvaged and given new life through me. My purple treasure box from my last post is like this. Not everything that makes it up is recycled. But the box itself was originally used to hold my business cards and instead of throwing it away, I painted it, and gussied it up with ribbon and gold painted seashells, and made it presentable (and perhaps purchasable *fingers crossed*) for a new person out there in the wide world. I'm very proud of this small contribution to keeping our planet beautiful.

I strongly encourage other crafters to do the same thing. It might seem weird to people at first because we like our new stuff, but just imagine the new life you could breathe into old things. And not for nothing, it's much easier and cheaper to gussy up an old thing and make it sparkle. And there's such a large market for it now!!!

My new mantra, to myself and others: "You can do it, make it beautiful!"

Until later, Kara!

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