Tuesday, March 26, 2013

TWISTED: A New Starkid Musical!

Picture found here.
I am so excited by this announcement! The creators of "A Very Potter Musical" and "Holy Musical B@man!" are making a new show and this time YOU can contribute!

I love their cheeky humor and freaking amazing musical sets and costumes. It's even better when you  consider how great the effects have been without funding. This time they want to do what "Wicked" did for the Wicked Witch of the West, but this time for a kickass Disney villain. This next show is called "Twisted" and is going to be about Jafar, the baddie Royal Vizier from the Disney classic movie, "Aladdin". I love Wicked (I have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to it).

Here's a short explanation: "If you’re unfamiliar with Wicked, it is an extremely clever prequel to the classic The Wizard Of Oz, which focuses on Elphaba, a green-skinned girl who we know as the Wicked Witch of the West. It is a complete alteration of perspective and a sympathetic explanation for the events of The Wizard of Oz. It’s doubtful that anyone who knows Wicked will look at The Wizard Of Oz through quite the same eyes ever again.

"In creating Twisted, Team StarKid seem to have taken this concept and applied it to Aladdin, where we will see Jafar as our protagonist. Perhaps Twisted will even change the way we see Aladdin in the future! The timing is rather perfect, with the Wicked movie finally going into production and Aladdin making the leap to Broadway." (Source here.)

Though they have never used Kickstarter before for their wonderful shows, now they would like to put on the biggest show that they can. Holy cow, that means they've been creating these shows without profits out of the goodness of their creative souls! Now these beautiful people can be paid for their contributions to art-with-the-fancy-hand-gestures!

I'm a huge fan of their shows (you can see my reviews here, here, here, and here) and am definitely going to help out! Since I'm a sucker for posters, I'm going to go with the $30 option!

If you would like to contribute, go to their Kickstarter page! They're already at $116,000 as of this blog entry!


  1. If I had any money I would definitely throw some StarKid's way because Holy Musical Batman! was HILARIOUS. This one sounds like it could be PRETTYYY interesting as well :)

    1. Yes, I'm super excited about it! I love their work! I wish I lived in Chicago.
